Welcome to my 2020 Census Resource Page
Well, after months of outreach and activities, the response period for the 2020 Census has ended. The Supreme Court decided that the administration can end the Census operations now instead of the October 31st deadline. While this is disappointing news, I am incredibly proud of everyone that has been working hard to ensure a complete count this year. The Northwest suburbs worked together in creative ways to reach every community. Because of all your efforts, 94% of municipalities with portions in the 15th District of Cook County surpassed their 2010 self-response rates! You have worked to ensure that your community receives the funding and resources that it needs.
Congratulations to Arlington Heights, Barrington, Bartlett (passed 85%!), East Dundee, Elgin, Elk Grove Village, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, Inverness, Mount Prospect, Palatine, Rolling Meadows, Roselle, Schaumburg, and Streamwood. Also, the Townships of Barrington, Hanover, and Schaumburg all crushed their 2010 self-response rates!
I have truly enjoyed all the fun and educational ways we’ve tried to reach residents. Especially working with Brookfield Zoo to film some informative and animal “punny” videos with several of their animal ambassadors like Quilbert the Porcupine and Elsie the Sloth. Memories I’ll cherish forever. Also, I’ve been able to build relationships with some incredible organizations serving the Northwest suburbs such as the American Association of Retired Asians who helped me create videos in languages like Gujarati, Hind, and Urdu. This led me to expand to more languages like Korean, Spanish, Cantonese, and Polish. I look forward to working with these organizations much more in the future.
If you are one of those who have made sure they count, thank you. Now, we wait for the results to be processed and presented to our federally elected officials. Stay tuned for how you can help ensure that our counts stay counted. It’s been an honor using my platform to stress the importance of the Census. Before you know it, it’ll be time for the 2030 Census!
Follow my Facebook and Twitter pages for the latest updates from the 15th District.
You Made It Count Cook County!
What is the Census?

A lot of Cook County and 15th District residents have questions about the upcoming #2020Census. A lot of those residents love watching cute animal videos and find animal puns amoosing! If that sounds like you, paws what you are doing and watch this introduction to my exciting project with Brookfield Zoo and Cook County Government to share information about the #2020Census.
Every 10 years, the U.S. government takes a count of every person living in the U.S. through a short questionnaire that asks basic information about your household and the people who live in it. Below are some FAQs that I have heard about the Census from my constituents:
Why should I complete the Census?
It is important to participate in the Census because this is a way to make your voice matter! Data from the census is used to divide over $1.5 trillion dollars of government funding for important services, like schools, libraries, and health care. By participating in the Census, you are helping improve your community by ensuring your city and state have funding to provide resources and services for you and your neighbors.
Experts estimate that every person that doesn’t complete the Census represents a loss of $14,000 in funding over the next decade. Also, Census Data is also used by non-profits, advocacy groups, businesses, and individuals. There are so many more reasons but, truly, everyone should be counted.
What questions are on the Census?
The census survey will ask the name, sex, age, date of birth, race/ethnicity, and relationship of everyone in your household. It will also ask if you rent or own your home. It’s simple and easy to complete and will only take a few minutes!
Are my answers private?
Yes! Responses to the Census are completely confidential. Remember that Census information is used for statistical purposes only. They are trying to take a snapshot of your whole community and our country.
Can other government agencies see my Census answers?
No! The U.S. Census Bureau will not share your information with other government agencies. It is against the law for a U.S. Census Bureau employee to share your response with anyone.
Have more questions?
You can text 987-987 with all of your 2020 Census questions or visit the 2020 Census Frequently Asked Questions section of their website.
You can also reach out to my office at (847) 519-7674 or email Kevin.Morrison@cookcountyil.gov
Hear from a local organization, Kenneth Young Center, on why the Census is important to them. Read their blog post here. For Spanish, click here.
How do I fill out the Census?
For the first time, you can fill out your Census online, a convenient option for everyone as we stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. You should have received a notice from the Census with a unique code to complete your census online. Lost your code? No worries! You can still complete the Census online, you might just need to answer a few more questions.
If you don’t have access to the internet you can also complete your Census by phone or mail. Anyone can call to complete their Census. If you received a paper questionnaire, complete and mail to the U.S. Census Bureau (National Processing Center, 1201 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132).
As a recap, complete your Census one of the following three ways:
📨 to the U.S. Census Bureau
How do I get help?
Filling out the 2020 Census only takes a few minutes! But, do you still have questions that you need answered? You’re in luck! 📲 TEXT 987-987 to get all of your 2020 Census questions answered quickly.
Language barriers shouldn’t prevent our family, friends, and neighbors from being counted in the 2020 Census. Share these language assistance resources because everyone deserves to #BeCounted.
➡️ Census Language Guides in 59 non-English Languages
➡️ Complete the Census online in 12 non-English languages
➡️ Complete by phone or get assistance in 12 non-English languages 👇
Why is the Census so important?

I’m not KITTEN—this #2020Census at Brookfield Zoo video contains some SEAL-iously cute baby animals and useful information about why we need to make sure all young children are counted on the Census.
The Census is one of the most important things you can do to help make sure your community has the resources it needs. So, why does this even matter? Now more than ever, in the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, federal funding that is based on the Census is critical. Here are some reasons why filling out your 2020 Census matters!
- For every person that doesn’t complete the Census, experts estimate that $14,000 from the federal government will be lost over the next decade. If we have a low count that could be millions in Federal funding lost.
- Illinois’ representation in Congress is determined by population data gathered in the Census.
- Federal funding going to your neighborhood schools will depend on accurate counts of you and your neighbors.
- Hospitals are in dire need right now. As the federal government looks to distribute funding, they’ll rely on Census data to do so.
- Emergency management departments receive federal funds for planning and responding to emergencies — including the one we’re in — is based on Census data.
- So many programs depend on accurate Census data to best serve their clients; programs to support rural areas, to restore wildlife, to prevent child abuse, to prepare for wildfires, and to provide housing assistance for older adults. Visit Census.gov for more reasons why your response matters.

In this video of the #2020Census at Brookfield Zoo series, I talk to William the Wallaby🦘 about how Census Data WALLABY beneficial to everyone in our communities and how local businesses, homeowners, non-profit organizations, and advocacy groups can utilize census data.
How can you help?
Share a video! Hopefully you’ve seen a few videos from my #2020Census at Brookfield Zoo series woven through this resource page. Take a look at the full series on my YouTube channel and share whichever one(s) applies to the intended message.
In addition to my Brookfield Zoo series, I also partnered with the American Association of Retired Asians (AARA), Village of Hanover Park, and other community partners to create a series of Census PSAs in Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, Polish, Korean, and Cantonese! Language barriers shouldn’t prevent our family, friends, & neighbors from being counted in the Census. Check out my YouTube channel playlist, Multilingual #2020 Census Videos, where you’ll find them all. Check out the video in Hindi below and share!
Be a Census Champion that your friends, family, and community can turn to. To help get you started, I hosted a Census Virtual Town Hall with Hanover Park Village Clerk Eira Corral Sepulveda, AgeOptions, and the Elgin Complete Count Commission. Email me at District15@cookcountyil.gov to find a Census Complete Count Commission near you!
By watching our Census discussion you’ll receive an update on 2020 Census self-response rates in the Northwest Suburbs as well as changes to Census outreach in response to COVID-19. Listen to discussion from some of our community partners on how the Census impacts local communities, non-profits, and more.
Watch my Census Virtual Town Hall anytime on my Facebook page here.