Inaugural Buffalo Grove Pride Parade

**From NBC News Teen’s dream of pride parade in her hometown to become a reality Molly Pinta, 13, decided last year that she wanted to start a pride parade in her hometown of Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Now, that dream is coming true. June 1, 2019, 11:52 AM CDT By Eric Duran Last June, when she was

Barrington Town Hall

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 29, 2019 Cook County Commissioner Kevin B. Morrison announces town hall in Barrington  Commissioner Morrison invites public to town hall in Barrington on April 15 at 6:30 p.m. Click here for the Daily Herald coverage. SCHAUMBURG, Ill. –March 29, 2019—Cook County Commissioner Kevin B. Morrison will host his first town hall since he was sworn into office in Barrington.

CDBG and ESG Programs

From Cook County Bureau of Economic Development** Cook County Application Workshops for 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant Programs are now Available  The 2019 CDBG applications and related materials are now available on the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development website. Materials for the ESG program will be published shortly. They

New Bid Preference

I was proud to co-sponsor this piece of legislation proposed by fellow Commissioner Larry Suffredin of District 13. With this new ordinance, businesses owned by people with disabilities will get a preference of 5% of Procurement Contracts. There is a certification process that includes determining that at least 51% of the business is owned, controlled,